The MicroAcupuncture Institute offers courses to help Acupunctuists learn the most effective methods for treating degenerative eye conditions.
That no one will have to suffer with being told that there’s nothing that can be done for their eye condition.
To provide the education so that Acupuncturists can provide 1 Million treatments over the next 10 years for people suffering from degenerative eye conditions.
We are dedicated to providing the education necessary to Acupuncturists worldwide so they can deliver this life changing care.
For Patients
Read more about how MicroAcupuncture can help to both stop the progression of and and reverse the damage caused by common degenerative eye conditions.
For practitioners
Are you looking to learn MicroAcupuncture? This is the most comprehensive (and only) online course to learn the fundamentals of MicroAcupuncture so you can begin helping your patients with degenerative eye conditions, tomorrow!
Many degenerative and “untreatable” eye conditions respond well to the specialized form of acupuncture called MicroAcupuncture. Millions of MicroAcupuncture treatments have been provided globally to help not just restore hope but give people their vision back.